Saturday, February 16, 2013

Filthy Fifty is F*@#ing Fantastic!!!

Saturday WODs at CFGR are historically partner workouts.  We have fun, we work out with our friends and we start our weekend with a little bit of teamwork.  Today we were on our own...with this:

Meet the Filthy Fifty, the benchmark of all benchmarks
We've done the Filthy Fifty once before this past summer.  That time, Sam took out the kettlebell swings and there were modifications for many people.  Today, everyone at the box attacked Filthy Fifty with the determination seen only in champions.  I think every single person did it Rx and most were at or near their previous time even with the added kb swings and without the modifications.  As much as it pains me to admit, there is only one reason for this...and that's our coach.  The gains that my team makes every week amazes me.  The gains I make amaze me.  I'm not sure if Sam is putting something in the ventilation system or spiking the water but goddamn we're good and getting better every single day.

Thanks for forcing these benchmarks on us, Sam.  While we may be saying "fuck" in the middle of those burpees, it always ends with a "fuck yeah" as we lay facedown on the floor, sweat pouring down, lungs heaving. did you start your weekend??

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