They say when you write a blog you need to update at least twice a month. By the way, I'm not actually sure who "they" is...I just know "they" are out there and probably thinking I need to turn in my blogger card and tuck tail. If I had a blogger card. Which I don't. Anywho...(my friend Shannon hates when people say that was for you, Shan). Anywho...
I'll be honest. The reason I haven't written lately is because I was afraid of how my writing would read. As in tone. I've been...pissed...a lot lately. Not really on the outside - I can't imagine many people in my life can tell that a storm has been brewing underneath. But inside....yeah, fire breathing angry. I. Miss. My. Dad. What happened should not have happened, especially not in the way that it happened. After losing one parent, I don't know how any higher entity could think it was ok to take the only parent that I had left. And for my dad to go out the way he did was a crime. If he didn't live a long life (which he should have) my dad should have gone down in a blaze of fucking glory. He was a car guy. He had some spirit in him. He should never, ever have ended his life brain dead in a fucking hospital bed while we were forced to pull the plug. Yeah, shit just got really real, didn't it? This is why I haven't written.
I know this is a blog about CrossFit and health and food and fitness and the only thing on my mind lately has been that. So you see why I haven't written? But I know it's time. I can't just let everything fall to the wayside while I stew in a sea of whatever yuck I'm currently going through. It took my dear friend Ryan to tell me it was time to update.
This is Ryan. More about him later. |
Let's start with Ryan. Ryan is probably close to the only 22 year old person who I can actually stand. I'll admit it. At the age of almost-not-quite-don't-yet-call-me 32, I sometimes find people in their early 20's a little hard to relate to. It's not that I don't understand where they are in life because I totally do. I'm just not there anymore. So it's easier to lay in bed with a screaming hangover cursing them out for being able to throw back twice as many drinks and get up in the morning and do it all over again. But Ryan, like most of my CFGR crew, just has a special place in my soul. He said it perfectly the other day - inside the gym we are all equals. We're a team. It doesn't matter our age, income level, marital status, job title....sometimes we don't even know those things about each other. Inside, the only thing that matters is that we sweat together, lift together, PR together, push each other, and gather in a place doing something that many people just don't understand...and love every minute of it. So good work Ryan...way to point that out. Now I've officially given you a shout-out in my blog and you can stop asking for one.
Lately I've been feeling like the mother hen of the gym. I'm not complaining about it - I just don't know how I always seem to fall into those roles. I guess I just tend to like to take care of other people and organize things, so I plan events, order team shirts, organize outings, bake birthday cakes and stock coolers with food for our competitions. And I love it. I love knowing that I can make the lives of the people that I care so very much about a little easier. I just have to try to remember to take just as much time to take care of myself as well. Sometimes that gets pushed to the background a little.
What else? I just got a new car. It's cute. And fast. And blue. This has nothing to do with CrossFit but I don't care because I LOVE driving it. I'm also in the process of buying (and building, no less) my first house. I mean...sheesh! How much can I do at once?? But why not, right? Balllllleeeerrrrrrrrrr. (Not really).
Beep Beep! |
Here's a picture of Justin. Squatting. I didn't want to hear him whine that I posted a picture of Ryan and not of him. |
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