Tuesday, February 4, 2014

And That's A Wrap - Whole30 Day 30

So I'm done. I did it. Thirty days of whole food, no sugar, no dairy, no grains, no alcohol, and no processed or artificial anything.  Thirty days of nothing but actual, pure, healthy nutrition without one cheat.  I'd like to say that I would have been able to do it without writing about it everyday but I'm honestly not sure if I could have without the constant accountability of all of you.  I definitely plan to recap these last 30 days with my thoughts, including what I plan to do moving forward but that will come in a few days.  For now, I'll just post this entry like my last 29 and let you know how I ended my last day on my first Whole 30 (and sorry, but it's not very exciting):

Black coffee
Egg muffins

Spaghetti squash pizza casserole
Mini cashew cookie LaraBar

Greek salad with chicken and balsamic vinaigrette


Monday, February 3, 2014

Whole 30 Day 29

So tomorrow is my last day.  Can you believe it??  Tomorrow!  It's kind of crazy.
Thanks for clarifying, Annie
2 egg muffins (I made another batch yesterday)
Cactus fruit
Black coffee

Spaghetti squash pizza casserrole 
Black olives
1/2 lemon LaraBar

Roasted brussel sprouts
Small salad w/ cucumbers and cherry tomatoes (olive oil and red wine vinegar)
Leftover spinach artichoke dip  (which actually served as a nice side dish when heated up)


Work up to 3RM straight press (no push)

WOD: (For Time w/ 17 minute cap)
50 double-unders
10 cleans (95 pounds)
40 double-unders
8 cleans (100 pounds)
30 double-unders
6 cleans (105 pounds)
20 double-unders
4 cleans (110 pounds)
10 double-unders
2 cleans (115 pounds)

I finished in 8:56 seconds.

Went to bed around 11 and woke up at 5:30. Had amazing energy all damn day.  This is glorious!
Doesn't he just look happy and energetic and full of life? That's how I feel

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Whole 30 Days 27 and 28

Hi.  Can you believe I'm almost done with the Whole 30?  I can't.  I also can't believe I'm thinking about "sorta" continuing it.  More on that in a few days.  So who else is sick and tired of winter? I have lived in Michigan my entire life and have never been one of those people who hate the winter. It's not my favorite but I get that it's part of Michigan life.  Except this winter.  Because it sucks.  It's interfering my house building, my social life, and my wallet (who else had an amazing heat bill this month???).  And apparently Punxutawney Phil predicted 6 more weeks of winter. Has that guy EVER given us a break?  Stupid groundhog fucker.  Go back to your hole.

Day 27 Breakfast:
Black coffee
Two scrambled eggs

Spaghetti squash pizza casserole (yup I made it again)
Roasted unsalted cashews (while I was waiting for the casserole to cook)

Spiced chicken  from The Clothes Make the Girl.  She calls it "The Best Chicken You Will Ever Eat. Ever."  I'm not sure it's the best chicken I ever ate but it was really good.  It's very spicy - not like hot spicy, but like the chicken is coated in tons of spices.  It tasted semi-Morrocan to me and the brining made it sooooo juicy.  I refuse to say the "m" word - you know what I'm talking about. The one that starts with m and ends in oist. That's just a gross word.  But back to the chicken - the dipping sauce was the best part. I'm going to put that on everything for the rest of my life.

Balsamic broccoli.  I made this by chopping and cooking up some bacon and then adding broccoli and garlic into the pan (with a touch of olive oil if the pan doesn't have enough fat from the broccoli).  After it cooks up, I added some balsamic to it and cooked it down a little more.  It was very random and it ended up delish.

Day 28 - Super Bowl Sunday

How fun is it that I have two more days left of my Whole 30 on the biggest snack food day of the year. And I went to a party where there was pizza. And for some reason I've really wanted pizza the past few days.  Hello, end of Whole30 test of willpower!  My plan going into this day was to eat as if I wasn't going to a Super Bowl party. This way, I wasn't as hungry by the time I got there and it was easier to avoid all the forbidden treats and the alcohol.  I also brought two Whole30 compliant dishes with me that gave me some things to snack on while everyone else indulged in delicious smelling, gooey, cheesy pizza.  mmmmmmm.  Iwantpizza.

Black coffee
Taco salad with ground taco beef, tomatoes, cucumbers, black olives, lettuce, and salsa with some plantain chips.

Super bowl snacks:
Chili Lime Wings from Nom Nom Paleo

Spinach and artichoke dip from PaleOMG