Sunday, November 4, 2012

Always Find The Lesson

Last year I painted a chalkboard on one of my walls and filled it with inspirational quotes.  Everyday I walk past that wall countless times but somewhere along the way I stopped really looking at it.  This morning, I looked at it again. . . took my time re-reading the words that I spent an entire day putting up. . . reminded myself why they were up there in the first place.

Life can be hard.  We each have our own battle wounds to tend to, our own scars, our own triumphs.  Some days are easier than others.  Sometimes others let us down.  Sometimes we let ourselves down.  Sometimes it's easier to smile than to frown, and sometimes you just need to give in to whatever emotion is surfacing so that you can move past it.

Life is a journey. As cliche as it is, it's the truth.  And we only have one to live.  Spend each day, week, month, year. . . moment. . .spend it embracing who you are, where you are, what you are.  Accept your faults and your flaws, accept your strengths and your attributes.  Be thankful for the people you've met, as each one is there to teach you a lesson.  When they aren't there any longer, do not mourn the loss but celebrate the gift of knowing them, however long or short it was.  Everyone walks into our lives for a reason and it's up to us to figure out what that is. . .even if it's hard to see in the moment.

Go to the gym.  Don't be afraid to get sweaty.  Lift heavy, yet accept the times when it's necessary to lighten your load.  When your hands bleed, tape them and try again.  Cheer for the first one to finish . . . cheer louder for the last one to finish.  High five your teammates from your respective landing spot on the mat while you regain your breath (and the senses you lost) after a tough WOD.  Be thankful for the body that allows you to do CrossFit. Be respectful of the brain that pushes you to your limits.  Honor those around you who join you in the effort.

Always remember to find the lesson.

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