Monday, January 13, 2014

Whole 30 Day 8

Back to school, back to school, to prove to dad that I'm not a. . .oh wait.  It's back to work week.  I can no longer let this pesky little upper respiratory bring me down, man.  It feels good to pretend to be a normal human being again (key word, pretend).

So writing a blog every day is kinda boring.  I can't be blog-witty everyday.  Real life witty is easy but it takes a little extra to be witty in the written word.  Witty in the written word - say that five times fast. Betcha can't.  

Ok, food.....annnnnnnnnnnnnnd go!

Black coffee
Whole 30 "oatmeal" topped with blueberries

Two hardboiled eggs
Cherry tomatoes

Pre-WOD snack:
1/4 bottle of green juice

Taco salad with fajita beef, peppers and onions topped with guacamole and salsa

I slept about 6 hours last night with minimal interruption. I was tired when I woke up but less so than normal so that seems to be a step in the right direction.

Went to crossfit for the first time in a week.  My body, especially my lungs, were NOT ready for that.  I powered through as best I could but it's going to take some time.   Workout was:

Strength - 3 sets of 7 front squats/8 back squats (back squats immediately follow front squats) at 100 pounds.

WOD: 7 minute AMRAP
Clean and Jerk (95 pounds)
Toes to Bar

Rest 3 minutes
Run 800 meters (I rowed this as I didn't think the lungs were quite ready for cold air running)

I know several people that started their Whole 30 today. I'm waiting patiently to hear how it went.  Comment on here, Facebook, or Twitter.  Bring it on!

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